What is Premium Booster?
The Premium Booster is a membership that players can join in DoubleU Casino. You will be given special benefits exclusive during those days!
•Lucky Wheel Booster: Shorter cool-down for Lucky Wheel bonus.
•Daily Premium Bonus: A special gift on a daily basis.
•Weekly Premium Bonus : An exclusive gift on a weekly basis.
•VIP Room Access: Free admission to the VIP Room.
I can't send or collect gifts. Why?
There are two constraints in sending gift.
I was disconnected during bonus round. Can I get my free spins back?
No you can’t. Connection lost can happen due to a number of factors such as unstable local internet, wireless LAN, duplicate login attempts, and many other factors.
Why do I have posting problems?
Posting issues can happen due to a number of factors. Some are beyond our control, some are not. Following are the factors.
How do I add friends?
You can find the “Invite Friends” menu when you click the “Gifts” box icon on the bottom of the game screen.
How do I collect gifts?
You can collect gift by clicking "Collect All" or "Accept" button in your gift Inbox. "Collect All" button allows you to collect all the gifts in your inbox, and "Accept" button allows you collect just one of your gifts on the left of it. This inbox pops up on the middle of game screen very frequently, and you can also open gift Inbox by clicking "Show inbox" icon at the bottom of game screen.
How do I remove this app?
Please go to your Facebook Home page and tap “▼” on the right column.
I lost my gift because of disconnection and freezing. Can I get it back?
You can collect gift by "Collect all" or " Accept" button. In normal cases, the money is added to your chip balance right after you collected gifts with an animation beneath your chips account. But, if your game screen is disconnected or frozen, collected money is automatically added to your account without animation. In other words, there is no loss of gift or collected money. Therefore you will see your chip balance is increased by the amount of gift money you collected before.
Why can't I collect chips from bonus event links?
There are several reasons for this problem. In most cases, you probably clicked an expired event bonus link or already collected a bonus from it.
Most importantly, despite freezing or losing connection while you’re moving to the DoubleU app/site or in the middle of a bonus game, you don’t lose the bonus. If you go back to the game again, the bonus game will pop up and you will get your bonus successfully.
Can I give chips to my friends?
You can’t give your own chips to your friends directly. Instead, you can send bonus gifts to your friends, and also accept gifts from your friends. In addition, you can share bonus posts on your friends’ wall. |